package course.examples.UI.FragmentActionBar; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.Toast; import course.examples.UI.FragmentActionBar.TitlesFragment.ListSelectionListener; public class QuoteViewerActivity extends Activity implements ListSelectionListener { public static String[] TitleArray; public static String[] QuoteArray; private final TitlesFragment mTitlesFragment = new TitlesFragment(); private final QuoteFragment mDetailsFragment = new QuoteFragment(); public static final int UNSELECTED = -1; private FragmentManager mFragmentManager; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Get the string arrays with the titles and qutoes TitleArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.Titles); QuoteArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.Quotes); setContentView(R.layout.main); // Get a reference to the FragmentManager mFragmentManager = getFragmentManager(); // Start a new FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = mFragmentManager .beginTransaction(); // Add the TitleFragment to the layout fragmentTransaction.add(, mTitlesFragment); // Commit the FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.commit(); } // Called when the user selects an item in the TitlesFragment @Override public void onListSelection(int index) { // If the QuoteFragment has not been added, add it now if (!mDetailsFragment.isAdded()) { // Start a new FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = mFragmentManager .beginTransaction(); // Add the QuoteFragment to the layout fragmentTransaction.add(, mDetailsFragment); // Add this FragmentTransaction to the backstack fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(null); // Commit the FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.commit(); // Force Android to execute the committed FragmentTransaction mFragmentManager.executePendingTransactions(); } if (mDetailsFragment.getShownIndex() != index) { // Tell the QuoteFragment to show the quote string at position index mDetailsFragment.showQuoteAtIndex(index); } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Get a reference to the MenuInflater MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); // Inflate the menu using activity_menu.xml inflater.inflate(, menu); // Return true to display the menu return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case // Show a Toast Message. Toast Messages are discussed in the lesson on user interface classes Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "This action provided by the QuoteViewerActivity", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // return value true indicates that the menu click has been handled return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } }